Inventory of Diderot’s ‘Encyclopédie’

Author: Richard N. Schwab; Walter E. Rex; John Lough

Volume: 80 /:83 / 85 / 91-93

Series: SVEC

Publication Date: 1971

Pages: 1858

ISBN: 978-0-7294-0179-1

Price: £100


1. The contents of the inventory
2. Designation of categories
3. Textual problems
4. Problems of attribution
5. The problem of Diderot’s articles
6. Other matters of attribution
7. The editorial material in the first eight volumes
8. Ornaments in the text
9. Editions bearing the Paris-Neufchastel imprint
10. Variants in titles and signs of attribution in the first three editions of volumes I-III
11. The Riverside counterfeit volumes I-VII and their relationship with the original editions and the Geneva folio edition
12. Table of variants in the original edition, the Geneva edition, and the Riverside volumes
Appendix A. Collation of the Discours préliminaire, the *Explication détaillée du systême des connoissances humaines, and the *Systême figuré des connoissances humaines of Diderot’s 1750 prospectus
Appendix B. The censored texts and the cancels
Appendix D. The censored text of the article GOMARISTES
Appendix E. Variants in later editions of the Discours préliminaire, the Avertissement of volume III, and the Eloges of Montesquieu, Mallet, and Dumarsais
Appendix F. Variants in Encyclopédie articles republished elsewhere

Voltaire Foundation

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