Architecture; Cultural history; Autobiography

Volume: 2008:06

Series: SVEC

Volume Editors: Jonathan Mallinson

Series Collaborators: Reed Benhamou, Indiana University, IN; James W. P. Campbell, University of Cambridge; Isabelle C. DeMarte, Lewis and Clark College, Portland, OR; Pascal Dubourg Glatigny, CNRS, Centre Marc Bloch, Berlin;Jorge Galindo Díaz, The National University of Colombia;Anthony Gerbino, Worcester College, Oxford; Felicia Gottmann, Somerville College, Oxford; Antoine Hatzenberger, Independent scholar; Nathan Martin, McGill University, Quebec; Ralph R. McLean, University of Glasgow; Olga Medvedkova, EHESS, Paris; Carol Merriam, Brock University, Ontario;Fabienne Moore, University of Oregon, OR; Matthew Niblett, Keble College, Oxford; Hélène Rousteau-Chambon, Université de Nantes; Stéphane Roy, Yale University, New Haven, CT; John Sainsbury, Brock University, Ontario.

Publication Date: 2008

Pages: 355

ISBN: 978-0-7294-0934-6

Price: £75


Includes articles on architecture, cultural history, the ‘Luxury debate’ in the eighteenth century, Rousseau, and the manuscript of The Life of John Wilkes with commentary and contextualisation.

I. Architecture
Pascal Dubourg Glatigny, Les académies face à la question des techniques en architecture (de la fin du XVIIe siècle à 1750)
James W.P. Campbell, Wren, architectural research and the history of trades in the early Royal Society
Olga Medvedkova, La Maison de Glace, ou l’architecture comme science expérimentale
Jorge Galindo Díaz, The Royal Academy of Mathematics in Barcelona and the trade-guild tradition crisis (1720-1793)
Hélène Rousteau-Chambon, L’enseignement des mathématiques dans la première moitié du XVIIIe siècle au sein de l’Académie royale d’architecture
Anthony Gerbino, The Académie royale des sciences and the gardens of Versailles
II. Cultural history
Reed Benhamou, Sociabilité and the écoles de dessin
Isabelle C. Demarte, Détournements d’auteur: les surprises de l’épistolarité dans la Lettre sur le commerce de la librairie de Denis Diderot
Stéphane Roy, The art of trade and the economics of taste: the English print market in Paris, 1770-1800
Fabienne Moore, 1711: the advent of Homer in French prose – an anatomy of Mme Dacier’s ground-breaking translation
III. Luxury in the eighteenth century
Felicia Gottmann, Materialism and morality: Diderot and Sade in light of the luxury debate
Antoine Hatzenberger, Luxe d’ostentation et luxe de mollesse: la critique rousseauiste des carrosses
Ralph R. McLean, Storming the castle of indolence: rescuing virtue from luxury in the works of James Thomson and Thomas Blackwell
Matthew Niblett, The death of Puritanism? Protestant Dissent and the problem of luxury in eighteenth-century England
IV. Autobiography
Carol Merriam and John Sainsbury (ed.) The Life of John Wilkes

V. Rousseau
Nathan Martin, An unknown Rousseau autograph: the Neuchâtel manuscript of NOTES, en Musique

Voltaire Foundation

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