
Volume: 176

Series: SVEC

Volume Editors: Haydn Mason

Publication Date: 1979

Pages: 444

ISBN: 978-0-7294-0219-4

Price: £35


Jacqueline Hellegouarc’h, Genèse d’un conte de Voltaire Jacqueline Hellegouarc’h, Encore la duchesse Du Maine: note sur les rubans jaunes de Zadig Philippe Teissier, Une lettre de Madame Denis au comte d’Argental sur Rome sauvée Jeroom Vercruysse, L’œuvre de Poéshie corrigée: notes marginales de Voltaire sur les poésies de Frédéric II R. A. Nablow, Voltaire’s indebtedness to Addison in the alphabetical works Alexander Jovicevich, Voltaire and La Harpe – l’affaire des manuscrits: a reappraisal G. Gargett, Voltaire, Richelieu and the problem of Huguenot emancipation in the reign of Louis XV Patrick Henry, Sacred and profane gardens in Candide Christina M. Gillis, Private room and public space: the paradox of form in Clarissa James P. Gilroy, Peace and the pursuit of happiness in the French utopian novel: Fénelon’s Télémaque and Prévost’s Cleveland Alan J. Singerman, L’abbé Prévost et la triple concupiscence: lecture augustinienne de Manon Lescaut Henri Mydlarski, Vauvenargues, critique de Corneille William T. Conroy, Jr, Three neglected sources of Diderot’s Essai sur Sénèque: Ponçol, Peyrilhe, L’Estoile John Renwick, Essai sur la première jeunesse de Jean-François Marmontel (1723-1745) ou Antimémoires D. A. Coward, Restif de La Bretonne and the reform of prostitution Colin Duckworth, Louis XVI and English history: a French reaction to Walpole, Hume and Gibbon on Richard III Basil Guy, Toward a history of eighteenth-century French literature in the nineteenth century: 1810-1894 Kay S. Wilkins, Children’s literature in eighteenth-century France


Voltaire Foundation

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