Œuvres de 1768 (II)

Author: Voltaire

Volume: 66

Series: Œuvres complètes de Voltaire

Volume Editors: Brenda M. Bloesch, Jacqueline Hellegouarc'h, R. J. V. Cotte et al

Publication Date: 1999

Pages: 821

ISBN: 978-0-7294-0476-1

Price: £115


In 1767-1768 Voltaire wrote multiple times to the French authorities, whether to persuade them to improve living conditions in the Pays de Gex or to defend his own reputation as a royal historian. He also published plays, short stories and essays on topics as diverse as economics, religious tolerance and literary criticism.

His fantasy La Princesse de Babylone was widely successful, both as a highly comic tale and an expression of Enlightenment values. Voltaire also turned his hand to comic opera in Les Deux Tonneaux and Le Baron d’Otrante, as well as displaying his now familiar dexterity in verse fable and tragedy. His play Les Guèbres was a theatrical reworking of the arguments of the Traité sur la tolerance, which condemned establishment anti-Protestantism, through the story of the persecution of a minority religion under the Roman Empire.

Voltaire’s work on economic theory displays both his debt to the prevailing views of his time and his independence from them, in regarding human welfare, rather than national power, as the goal of economic activity. In some respects, 1768 can be regarded as a year of relative optimism for Voltaire, in the belief that the philosophic cause was gaining ground.

Table of contents

La Princesse de Babylone (édition critique par Jacqueline Hellegouarc’h)

L’Homme aux quarante écus (critical edition by Brenda M. Bloesch)

Avertissement de l’édition du théâtre de 1768 (critical edition by W. S. Rogers)

Les Guèbres (édition critique par John Renwick)

Les Deux tonneaux (édition critique par Roger J. V. Cotte)

Le Baron d’Otrante (édition critique par Roger J. V. Cotte)

Le Marseillois et le lion (édition critique par Sylvain Menant)


Studi Francesi, 135:3

Le texte le plus important de ce gros volume est constitué par La Princesse de Babylone, qui avec l’Introduction de Jacqueline Hellegouarc’h […] qui en a préparé une savante édition, occupe les 210 premières pages.

Voltaire Foundation

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